
Showing posts with label movie industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie industry. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What job will make writers money while pursuing a screenwriting career?

A recent article on discussed what jobs writers could perform while chasing after their screenwriting dream. This is an important question to ask oneself, because becoming a Hollywood screenwriter is no guarantee. It is tough out there, trying to get noticed, but what really can put the writing flame out is trying to weather the financial storm. What jobs are reliable to survive until the writing dream is realized?

Quite a few aspiring screenwriters are performing primary day jobs. In the night, they may work as restaurant servers, bartenders, drivers, and even take on irrelevant writing projects. It's not impossible to become a great screenwriter, all it takes is one good spec script to reach the right person.

Our personal struggles make great stories. In these daily challenges, we figure out how to shape characters and learn how life really works. Though many movies are unrealistic, there is some truth to them. While performing these day and night jobs, pay close attention your surroundings. These moments, these events provide good material to inject into screenplays.

Every screenwriter has a personal journey. Their hope and dreams rely on survival instincts. With that said, writers must depend on their day jobs and typically a second job to keep the cash flowing in until their screenwriting dream hatches and give birth.

The following are examples of jobs that screenwriters can perform to keep afloat, while in their pursuit of chasing that screenwriting dream:

  • Ridesharing jobs
  • Bartending
  • Restaurant serving
  • Academic writing
  • SEO writing
  • Web developing
  • Valet parking
  • Hotel night auditor 
  • Car salesperson 
  • Computer sales

Check out this PsychCentral article and report back here. Share a current job that is keeping your screenwriting dream alive.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Producer Gavin Polone writer's quote

Producer Gavin Polone has done it all in Hollywood. He is also different from most Hollywood bigwigs; he is the Hollywood worker's choice - the freethinker who is not afraid to speak his mind.

Gavin shared one quote in a tell-all interview about his reasoning and thought-process in the movie world. In this interview on Creative Screenwriting, Gavin doesn't hold back. He suggests that Hollywood needs more originality and that Marvel is leading most current movies (lets say revenue is the driving force).

As a screenwriting now ready to return back to the dream road, I took Gavin's quote about screenwriters to heart and this statement makes many screenwriters out there smile.

Gavin Polone quote: "You have to start with the script, so the writer is inherently the most important person in the process" (CreativeScreenwriting). Read this short, but great article covering Hollywood producer Gavin Polone.

There's actually a voice out there that cares about screenwriters and their uber creations. 5 stars Gavin Polone for representing screenwriters and television writers. You're right, writers convey the essence of movies.

Source: Creative Screenwriting