
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Live Your Own Dream

Our dream of becoming an actor, writer, director, singer or an astronaut comes from a strong desire we hold inside--our purpose, our calling, our passion. Whenever we see anything related to our dream, we can find instant excitement and happiness. This dream is our passion, it is our first love. Sometimes people can enter our lives to push us off of our dream path. We may not realize this truth in the present time, but we will be reminded of these moments later on. We can fail to live our dream if we lose focus on why we are trying to achieve it.

Living our dream is supposed to be something special that we should embrace along our life journey. Our dream can be anything we set our mind on and seek to accomplish. Our dream can guide us to helping people to realize their potential. Unresolved issues that go untreated can block our progress.

We may assume every new relationship we enter represents our dream. We can have an internal desire to always be with someone, never being alone, never having space to grow better. There can be that new dream girl, dream guy or dream situations we never experienced before. We get lost in these magical moments; meanwhile, we lose sight of our dream.

Why hasn't our dream come true? Why are we frustrated after rejections? Why do we feel we need our dream to be somebody important? Why do we wake up with low energy? There is a reason why this is happening. Either we are struggling with physical health problems, or ignoring a self-worth/self-value psychological challenge that we haven't confronted yet. Maybe we lack confidence, so we overcompensate with posting videos and images that stimulate our mind to raise our dopamine levels.

Getting positive attention, hiding negative criticism and expecting everyone to accept us are some ways we cope with feeling the constant need to get noticed. We may fake our dream until we make it. We can act like we are working on top secret projects. We may tell our fans to stay tuned. Living a lie to impress people can make us feel empty inside. When the lights turn off, we lose our identity. If being authentic does not matter to us, we can continue acting like we are living our dream. We can continue using app enhancers, applying filters and making small talk about a dream we are struggling to reach. Following this 'make believe' plan will not get us any closer to our dream.

Our fans are smarter that we think. They know whether we are accomplished writers, actors, directors, singers, or YouTube stars. All credentials can be verified online... IMDb is the leading Internet movie database that will show past, current and upcoming projects. This movie website also lists the type of roles, written by and directed by credits. Telling white lies is common in the film industry. If people stick to tricking others, they will never give all the effort, energy and time required to live their dream.

The first step to building a loyal following is honesty. Writing intriguing words and showing beautiful pictures to make people envy our lives, even get jealous, are deceptive and misleading. However, sharing all the real steps (including both positive and negative) to live our dream will attract loyal followers who will take interest in our dream pursuit.

Social media takes up a lot of time. Creating stories and uploading posts... Replying back to comments... Answering questions... Thanking people for their positive comments... This redistributes the time and energy we need to manifest our dream into real life. We may rely on likes and comments to boost our daily moods. It can become mundane taking credit for living a dream we are so far from achieving. Taking a break away from social media can rejuvenate our body and mind. For the most part, human beings are not Terminator machines; they need time to recharge.

Time is against us... We are growing older... Our dream will not wait for us to make serious decisions...                          

We have to take personal responsibility to accept that we are to blame for our mistakes, our lack of opportunities, our lost time, our low energy and our past. Ultimately, we control our own fate. We create our own luck. Embracing our mistakes will show that we value all the lessons learned after experiencing failures. Perhaps, we are taught to empower self-care.

Nevertheless, self-care can be disguised as selfishness to get what we want at all costs--this is the worst path we can follow. When we feel unhappy and depressed for our selfish needs, we do not appreciate the small blessings. We complain, whine, get obsessed, overthink, self-doubt, envy, self-pity, gossip and partake in negative actions that we enjoy or we're oblivious to notice our actions as being toxic. We step on others to get ahead. We take advantage of kind people.

We may forget the contribution that others have to shape our dream, especially after we no longer have any value for them in our current life. Given the time, energy and compassion people share with us, we may disregard this to move on to the net host. We may like to think we did it on our own. Choosing to hide people who meant something in our past reveals our true character. It is a testament of selfishness; only God knows what we did to people. The sad reality: Social media and Hollywood are full of attention seeking, flaky, fickle and pompous people.

With all of the positive attention we receive from everyone, we rarely slow down to see what is happening around us. We don't notice other people's pain and suffering. We fail to change our ways to improve as human beings. We hide behind a false facade to make our fans believe we are someone inspiring, someone motivational, someone talented. We don't do enough self-observing to repair bad habits, instead we keep repeating and keep self-sabotaging to attract temporary attention.

It is highly likely we are spending all of our valuable time, exhausting all of our powerful energy to make another person/other people happy--to make their dream(s) possible. Couples should have their personal time, too. Spending countless hours with our companion will eventually kill the thrill. No matter how much we believe we know about our true love, we really don't know everything. Our significant others can hide the truth like social media: Show what they want everyone to see.

What we view as peace and light can actually be darkness. We can be groomed, be controlled and get manipulated into following another dream plan. Someone we trust can set out on a top secret mission to accomplish their dream. They will take us along on this wild ride to make sure they get what they want most. They need their dream to come true. Deep down inside, they are afraid of their past. They know their actions were immoral. They have something/someone to lose. It is like one of those mystery/thriller movies. When our past returns, we will travel great lengths to silence it. We can lie about people, telling a fabricated story to make ourselves look good and another appear bad.

We are too in love, too invested to investigate. We are stuck in a dream, in a fantasy that is written in the stars. We believe our life is a dream. What we set out to accomplish is not happening yet. We are standing on an artificial stage wooing our online followers. People praise us. They envy us. They think we have an ideal life. They believe we are blessed. They don't know Adam from Eve.

What we fail to see is that people who do not dream big resort to obsessing over others. Boasting, showing off and whatever else we label it as is make believing we are someone important among others. It is our escape from real life to live that fantasy life. We can live in a bubble. Maybe we don't share what we are truly feeling inside with our companion, with our family, with our friends.

The moment we start referring to ourselves by name, we have lost our sense of reality. 'I" becomes our 'first name" as a reference to our imaginary star power. It keeps us believing that we've made it. Truth is, we are not surfing on that California wave that is impressing everyone. We are telling people what they want to hear. We are showing our movie star looks to fit a narrative. However, we are not living our dream the way we imagined it out in our minds numerous times.

Imagine this: What if we could do more to live our dream?

Never disregard the messenger who has no track record. Only stubborn people act condescending to think they know everything. They only listen to people who have succeeded with what they want. Unfortunately, these people get angry, get triggered and feel judged if anyone shares constructive criticism with them. It is their defense mechanism to protect their ego, be prideful and hide insecurities. Confident people listen to advice, tips, and techniques. People with vulnerabilities and insecurities deflect their negativity. We must be prepared to handle the less than glamorous aspects of stardom. We must survive the industry that has left many people broken.

Want to accomplish your Hollywood dream? Take acting classes like A-list actors/actresses do. Listen to acting podcasts. Investigate further into how to live your dream. Think beyond acting and enter writing and producing. If you want to become a screenwriter, read about your favorite screenwriters on blogs and in books. Go to film festivals and meet people with the same interests. Go on meetups to discuss writing, acting, music and business opportunities. Make audition videos to share your acting. Ask for honest advice about your performances. Submit completed scripts into screenwriting competitions. Share your gifts and talents to inspire others. Don't just fake it until you believe you will make it. It does not get any easier wasting more time waiting for a big break.

Respect your dream as well as the people who helped you reach your destination.

Never get offended and take revenge because you feel like you're being judged. If you repeat this behavior, you will restrict your future success. People will always have their personal opinions about you. They may want you to follow their plan. They may want to control your life. They may get jealous of what you have and/or already accomplished. They may gossip about you to feel better. They may 'call you out' to show they care about your life. They may assume your life is perfect. Just know that nobody on this Earth is perfect. We are all imperfect human beings. We can do better to work on ourselves. Confident people never compare themselves to others--they develop a system that works best for their life.

Many men and women fail in the dating world. They may show up to a date with a baggage of problems. They can become desperate, needy and clingy. They believe someone can bring happiness into their unappealing lives. They search for someone who can rescue them from their dark past. They have a clear objective in mind to have children. They need people to see them with an attractive companion to feel valuable. They want to escape someone who has terrorized their life. Sharing negative details with our date is too risky. In our conflicting stories, we may expose problems that comprise another person's core values. If we never take personal responsibility, we will attract enablers who accept us for who we are. Little do they know we're hiding our true self.

Just imagine knowing the truth about everything. You can see right through people. You can know all of their darkest secrets. You can save so much time avoiding toxic people. You will know when someone else is using you to shape their brands. They need you to build their public image.

Your dream cannot afford to lose time. We can replace lost energy but wasting time can/will compromise our dream. Being good looking and/or pretty have a shelf life online. Eventually, people will move on to better things and what dream we wanted to come true will wither away like a tumbleweed in a ghost town. Believe it or not, there is a moment when the window leaves a small crash for us to slip through. We can live our dream. It is not impossible to capture that star that excites us.

Balancing our dream with our daily life is extremely important. There is a life outside of our comfort zone. Don't get caught up in the attention. Don't attach your identity to your dream. Don't put people on pedestals to make them appear heavenly We must think about our future. Compromising matters. Stay humble. Keep moving forward. Value your dream. Even if you never accomplish your dream, learn to love yourself.

Hugh Hefner knew how to live a dream. He was an authentic individual who built an empire on the objectification of beautiful women and their bodies and. Read the following article to follow a dream advice that actually works:

I'll leave you guys with these famous quotes to live your dream. If your dream is your first love, respond with serious actions to live it...

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 
— Walt Disney

“At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable.” 
– Christopher Reeve

“Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.” 
– Steve Jobs

"Life is too short to live someone else's dream." 
Hugh Hefner 

Happy Screenwriting!

Your dream is what you make of it... How you pursue what you love is your personal choice. If you are recruited into building other people's dreams without knowing their real motivation, you are missing out on moving forward with what truly fulfills you inside--your real purpose in this life. Silent angels do exist on Earth to help guide your dream, love and happiness...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Establish Emotional Connection With Characters

Writing creative stories can stimulate our minds to feel a dopamine rush--the high level of excitement capable of multiplying our interest tenfold. For example, people who are addicted to social media undergo an adrenaline rush whenever likes and comments arrive after posts and captions are uploaded. They measure their self-worth based on acceptance, attention and positive encouragement. In contrast, sharing the truth is somehow viewed as negative criticism aimed at hurting other people. Honest people fail to establish emotional connections, so being reserved and concealing the truth will make someone a mystery.  

Mostly all followers leave positive compliments and overpraise page owners to stroke egos and attract attention. Sadly, some of these people become desperate, needy and clingy to feel self-important. They want their online friends and/or crushes to consider them as someone special, someone important, someone worthwhile. Just think about the real motivation behind people giving so much of their attention to strangers and what they expect in return. Believe it or not; there is usually a big want attached to compliments, attention and praises.  

What mostly gets lost is learning the truth. We may keep repeating the same actions to waste time, ruin opportunities, make excuses and self-sabotage following mistakes. Overly kind people may hurt our chances to grow our dream. We must hear the truth to make something better. Expecting positive feedback will keep us in the dark and block our personal growth. What we felt comfortable doing before is now an afterthought. We can learn life lessons to stop acting weak-minded, out of control and out of touch. injecting real life emotions into our movie characters can/will create strong connections among the reader(s) and moviegoer(s). Establishing emotional connections humanize characters to strengthen bonds.        

Nevertheless, our purpose in life and dreams are shaped with time and effort. If we take the right steps, we should be confident taking risks and making sacrifices. We must always remember that we control our own luck. Activating our creativity will help us  find solace telling compelling stories with powerful themes. If we create conflicting characters that resemble real life situations, people will feel emotionally connected because the subject matter hits close to home. As a result of this, humanizing characters uncover truths that inject originality into our screenplays. 

Watch end-of-the-world movies and pay close attention to character development. Writers begin with conflict, influence characters to respond and resolve their problems in the end. In the Knowing movie, Nicholas Cage's character loses his wife in a hotel fire. He refuses to believe in God but a chain of events reveal the truth. Opening his mind and heart to see past coincidences as random events renews his trust. 

Delve further into building an emotional structure that humanizes your characters. The closer the connection, the better the reception. 

Happy Screenwriting! 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Patience and Perseverance

Thousands of aspiring screenwriters dream of writing the next hot script that is made into a popular movie. There are film industry players and prolific screenwriters who have already taken this journey numerous times. Nevertheless, thousands of writers spend countless hours in screenwriting forums chatting about their current/past stories, popular films they like, creative ideas that excite them, and famous screenwriters they admire. They are motivated to make industry connections, form new friendships and build meaningful relationships. Hundreds of Instagram page owners post content sharing personal script projects, screenwriting contests, potential story ideas and script pages to their personal screenplays. True screenwriters hold passion for creating compelling stories. Patience and perseverance hold the key to making your screenwriting dream a lucrative career.

If we wish our screenplay will eventually be optioned, we are putting our dream on a pedestal. Making Hollywood appear unattainable is giving the film industry way too much credit for our future happiness. It is possible to write a good screenplay capable of winning screenwriting competitions.

Your script can move past gatekeepers to get optioned. Your script can be made into a Netflix movie. Your script can become a blockbuster movie. Visualize what you want and apply yourself to go get it. 

We must believe in our creative adventures. Don't worry about what people think. You are not selfish for desiring to live your dream. If you put forth the effort, you deserve to live a better life.  

Writers have many goals in sight. Looking in the rearview mirror can/will block progress. Discipline, time management and passion will keep your screenwriting dream moving forward. We must keep writing pages, research what studios want/need, listen to podcasts featuring successful screenwriters, study great screenwriters, learn about the business of movies and build our stories into profound movies. When I mention scripts, I mean we must complete several scripts to increase our chances in getting noticed. 

One script can connect us with the right people who want to view our writing portfolio. It's possible this individual, that studio or those group of people may not have interest in optioning our only script. However, our writing talents may attract the attention of industry-connected people. They may ask us what other projects we have stored in our script arsenal. Don't sell yourself short by investing your entire farm into only one script idea, unless you are confident in this story to sacrifice everything.  

This is where your patience and perseverance come into play. No matter what obstacles and challenges stand in your way, you must be confident in your creation(s). Pet projects usually create intense excitement because these stories hit close to home. These projects hold a deeper meaning-- they fulfill our inner desires. They can go back to our childhood, where we enjoyed watching science fiction movies such as E.T. and Star Wars. Emotional connections can take us down memory lane. 

The most powerful filmmakers in Hollywood had to wait their turn. Christopher Nolan directed Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige and The Dark Knight to earn his chance at making Inception. The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar, Dunkirk and Tenet followed Inception. Given Nolan's track record, he is one of most successful directors working in Hollywood.  

Good things happen to those who are patient is a flawed saying. It should be good things happen to those who work hard while being patient for opportunities. Staying confident to continue working on your script project(s) hold(s) immense power over your dreams and goals.    

Most of the time, we must prove our value before we take a stab at prized projects. For the most part, we will likely have to pay our dues working on projects with no creative value. Reality television is a perfect example of aspiring filmmakers going to film school and accepting high paying jobs working on uncreative ventures to climb up that industry ladder. Never judge professional work that rewards you with valuable experience. If you get paid to perform your talents, you are moving in the right direction.

Many writers get stuck listening to what writing books tell them to write. They follow Save The Cat, Kate Wright's sequences, A Hero With A Thousand Faces, Story and other books that instruct writers what must happen at what time with careful attention to the author's thoughts and theories. Following this approach turns a screenplay into a cliched piece of unoriginal work. Even though our scripts are fictional pieces of work, we have no obligation to mimic past screenplays. 

The human condition and emotions connect the audience with characters who may have similar traits that resemble theirs. How do people behave in a pre-apocalyptic world? What will people do to protect a secret? What fears block them? What regrets do they have? What is stopping them from talking to their true love? End of the world movies convey real actions of real life people. 

Truth is, we waste too much time living in the past instead of planning for our future. We don't do enough to live our dream. We need constant attention to feel self-worth. We focus on what other people are doing. We stay on the sidelines, being afraid of looking bad in front of people who we don't know. We postpone making decisions to avoid rejection. We obsess over small things that have no impact on the bigger picture.

We let years pass us by without responding to what we want. We allow true love to slip away. We don't take personal responsibility. We blame other peole for our mistakes. We don't show we care about our dream to be taken seriously. We need people to validate us. We envy others for living the dream we think we are better at doing but do nothing to make it happen. We are to blame for our own life. Nobody is responsible for our failures. The moment we can accept personal responsibility, there will be hope for us to achieve greatness. 

If you don’t give your dream any attention, you are guaranteed to fail what you want most in this life. 

Happy Screenwriting! 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Is it Writer's Block Or Lost Passion?

Writer's block is a killer on creativity. When writers lose focus on the writing process, they defer to daily distractions as an escape mechanism. Washing dishes, searching the web, posting on social media, watching Tv, doing laundry and sleeping are a few activities that replace writing. As a result of these actions, writers question whether they lost their passion to keep writing. Writer's block and lost passion hold the power to starve creativity. There is hope to get back on track...

Writers automatically assume writer's block is to blame for stalled production, lack of effort, poor performance and low efficiency. It is not always writer's block that is holding writers back from moving forward to the next page. It is not always writer's block that is responsible for keeping a cursor flashing on a blank white screen. It is not always writer's block that delays projects from coming to fruition. What is causing writers to get frustrated?

The problem: Inhibited environments represent the source of low interest. If we are surrounded with supportive people who want us to thrive, we will maintain excitement to get work done. We can rely on these people to give us feedback. They will ask about our projects. They will understand that we need our quiet space. They will genuinely care about what we are working on. Unfortunately, most writers are not always so lucky to meet these ideal people. We can take control of our surroundings, emotions and feelings to make positive progress.

Our environment is never going to reflect the way we imagine it. There is constant noise that can distract us. People rarely stop gossiping about irrelevant matters. They have conversations out loud. They don't give us space. They need us to help them with their errands and projects. They want us to listen to their concerns. Writers deal with people sabotaging their dreams because they lack the confidence to speak up; they are pushovers with no backbone to stand tall.

Unfinished projects make us believe we lost our passion to dream. We can't get excited about what we once loved with our entire heart. We start envying people who are actually living the life we believe we deserve. We become jealous to hear that our competition achieved their dream. Meanwhile, we focus on doing too much of everything. We desire quick results instead of investing time, energy and effort into our pet projects. Our patience and perseverance are out of alignment. We keep talking about our projects to get attention. We act fake to make believe we are someone living our dream. We may act condescending to put others below us. Behind the scenes, we drag our feet and hang our heads down low to pity ourselves. Self-destructive attitudes are what block positive results.

Writer's block and lost passion are common excuses that writers use to feel better. Nobody wants to be viewed as uninspired and lazy. Lost passion is essentially allowing little things to get in the way our of big dream. Self-doubts, overthinking, excuses and distractions are defensive mechanisms that protect us from facing failure. We may fear people rejecting our talents and skills because we attach our identity to our dream. We may think that if we fail our dream, we will fail our purpose in this life.

Rewiring our brain to accept criticism is the first step to empowering positive/negative feedback to grow our writing into something beautiful, something inspiring. Hearing the truth saves us a lot of time. We may need to know what people really think. Does our story have potential? Will the audience enjoy watching this movie? What does our film resemble? Do we have a good theme? Sadly, some creative people capable of greatness expect people to always give their amateur and professional work kind compliments. In order to continue on with their passion, they need people to praise their every move. These people only share a snippet of their progress to win temporary acceptance. They treat attention and acceptance as oxygen. However, these writers remain stuck on page 5 of a 100 page script. We should not expect our work to be viewed as great: Life does not work this way.

People struggling with low confidence and low self-esteem require validation and acceptance to stay inspired and motivated. These people need other people to agree with their beliefs. They wait for others to give them 100 percent positive approval to move forward. They want people to praise their effort after sharing their pity parties. They need people to feel sorry for them. They want others to tell them what they want is guaranteed to happen. They need others to know they didn't waste their life away on impossible dreams. They depend on people to always pick them off the ground. They need people to see them, to notice them every day. The truth gets lost in the hay; it is the needle that will take forever to locate.

Athletes playing to win their coach's attention and approval will suffer after striking out, missing shots and dropping balls. Always remember that we are human beings choosing to use our gifts and talents. Win or lose, we are the same human beings. Just imagine all the possibilities, especially if we activate our laser focus to stay committed and not conflicted with what people think.

We either love our passion, or we are doing it for the wrong reasons. Seeking attention to nurse our unresolved issues is the quickest route to depression. Living for the opinions of others will lead to lifelong unhappiness. If we lose our passion, what is the reason for this happening? Did we have passion from the beginning? Are we following our dream just to be recognized as someone who is valuable? Do we lack self-worth? Do we have low self-esteem? Trying our best to pinpoint our lost passion, if this is important to us, will improve our future outlook. Time will never stop for us, so waiting for a better time is an excuse.

Our commitment as screenwriters should focus on building powerful stories into compelling movies. Take personal responsibility for your dream. If you need constant validation to live your dream, you will only focus on what other people think about your actions. Dreams don't work unless you do something to make them come true. It is as simple as starting a script and writing 100 pages. Keep revising your script until you believe the story fits your vision.

There is no right or wrong way to tell a story. Pay special attention to creativity, technique and theme to keep readers invested in your script. Write with conviction to stay on track: Follow your message and share your beliefs. An example of this approach is Jordan Peele's Get Out, a film that aims to convey racism as envying minorities for their physical strength and agility.    

Writer's block is a mental block that involves numerous components. When we sit at our computer constantly looking into space, we are dealing with a challenge much bigger than writer's block and lost passion. We may dislike our story. We may downplay our talents to get compliments. Our passion is what inspires us to take action on something that either happens now, happens later, or never happens at all. Trusting in our gifts and talents can reduce writer's block. Believing in ourselves will give us hope to continue on through the trenches.

If we complain about writer's block and losing our passion, we are accepting that we have problems that are blocking our production. Taking the easy way out to complain and whine about recurring setbacks will never get us anywhere. Sharing all the things that we do to live our dream is a bargaining chip to say people owe us. It is our job to wake up and be inspired. We must maintain our passion to keep moving forward. If we are struggling to start and/or finish projects, we must dig deeper to understand the source of this problem.

There are ways to improve our concentration. We can listen to good music during the writing process. We can enjoy our favorite drink. We can take vitamins. We can go on a walk. We can go hiking. We can purchase a nice pen. We can buy a cool notepad. We can use "focus-based" apps to switch between focus time and breaks. We can embrace distractions to make them a part of our characters. We can change our scenery. We can go to a beach and write. We can go to a motel off of the coast and write without distractions. We can schedule time to write daily. We can discipline our writing life.

Writer's block and lost passion are excuses to justify our lack of effort and low production. After years of making excuses to write scripts, I finally figured out that you must rescue yourself to overcome negative traits. We can get caught up in bad habits that restrict our personal growth. In contrast, we can transfer our bad habits, blocks and problems into our stories. Compelling characters can turn movies into emotional experiences because the audience may see a piece of their life experiences in the movie. They can embrace these personal connections, realizing the writer actually understands their life.

Writer's block and lost passion can mirror what is going on in our real lives. If we work with a co-writer who wants to control our entire story, we must re-evaluate whether to stay for the long haul or leave them behind to grow our dream elsewhere. We can outgrow mentors, teachers and coaches. These people can block us, making us think we are struggling with writer's block, low drive and lost passion.

Being on the same page requires two sides to compromise on one vision. Don't allow other people to walk all over you. They may tell you that they care about your dream and assure you that they will never do anything to harm you. However, their actions may show a darker side to their real motivation. What really matters to them is their dream What they really want is to succeed. What they need is your story. What they are doing is discarding your scenes, ideas and creativity to feed their egos. They may want to be viewed as smart, a genius and exceptionally talented. Somehow, we are letting someone push us back into the crowd.

Negative people find empowerment seeing other people experiencing pain and suffering. Step away from every person you believe is holding you back. If you miss them later on, they are important to your future. If you feel better without them, maybe they are a bad fit in your life. Sooner or later, you need to recognize that you can do what you want yourself. Never think you are not good enough. Hiding from your unresolved issues will delay your dreams. If you are not ready to embrace the spotlight, you have the freedom to step in the crowd and watch the show as an audience member.

Know the difference between writer's block, lost passion, or living a stressful life full of obstacles. Your dream will stop waiting for you to react. Nobody is to blame for your life. You control your dream. You can make or break your future. You can learn from your past to create profound movies with deeper meanings. You can stop listening to people who block your growth. You can change your scenery to restore your interest. If you care about your dream, you will make adjustments instead of resorting to excuses. May your dream come true.

Happy Screenwriting!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Remind Yourself With Reminders: Dreams And Goals

We need constant reminders of what we want to accomplish in the future. If we want to become a Hollywood screenwriter, wearing shirts, hats, using notebooks, screensavers and other mementos that convey this message can keep us on track. Of course, we must do the work to achieve our dream.

Reminding yourself using visual reminders can empower you to chase harder. Our dream is within reach. Start doing what you love to do and repeat this action daily. Stay proactive and be a go-getter. Sooner than later your dream will come true. See you on the silver screen! 

Happy Screenwriting!